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time of observation中文是什么意思

用"time of observation"造句"time of observation"怎么读"time of observation" in a sentence


  • 观测时间


  • Initially the times of observation were 10 , 16 and 22 hours local time
  • Initially the times of observation were 10 , 16 and 22 hours local time
    初期于本地时间10时、 16时及22时进行观测。
  • Actual time of observation
  • After some time of observation , david noticed that a lot of chinese have a special feeling towards their language
  • A faint flashlight or a dim red torch helps you write in the dark . a pencil and a sheet of paper is essential for recording the number of meteors as well as the starting and ending time of observation . remember to bring a watch along with you
  • Put down the name of the observer , the place and time of observation , duration of observation , cloud cover , the sky s limiting magnitude the magnitude of the faintest star you can see with the naked eye and the number of meteors observed on the data sheet
  • A meteor shower becomes a meteor storm when the meteors hourly rate reaches several hundreds per hour . at this time , you can shorten the time of observation to 5 or 10 minutes , while the region of the sky being monitored can be reduced . these changes should also be specified on the record sheet
    若在流星雨出现时,每小时的流星数目多达数百颗,称为流星暴,这时观测时间的长度可减至5到1 0分钟,而观测天区的面积也可相对地减少,这些变化也应标明于记录表上。
  • Originating airport name , metar speci issue time , wind direction speed gust , wind direction variation , visibility , runway visual range , weather during time of observation , cloud , air temperature dew - point , qnh pressure measured at airport with adjustment made to suit aeronautical use , weather during the past hour but not at time of observation , wind shear information , trend - type landing forecast
    发出资料的机场名称发出metar speci的时间风向风速阵风风向转变能见度跑道视程观测时的天气云层气温露点qnh在机场录得的气压,经调整以配合航空用途过去一小时但非观测时的天气风切变资料飞机降落用的趋势预测。
  • Originating airport name , metarspeci issue time , wind directionspeedgust , wind direction variation , visibility , runway visual range , weather during time of observation , cloud , air temperaturedew - point , qnh ( pressure measured at airport with adjustment made to suit aeronautical use ) , weather during the past hour but not at time of observation , wind shear information , trend - type landing forecast
    Metarspeci电码包含趋势预测,即预测未来两小时内天气的转变,而且更利用特别标号(视乎情况,标号可以是ttttt = becmg或tempo )又或是nosig ,来指明转变。 ( becmg意指逐渐转变; tempo意指间中; nosig意指并无显著转变。 )
用"time of observation"造句  
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